
Spring 2020 Newsletter

Spring is right around the corner and now is the time to start planning for your spring cleanup. Scheduling your spring cleanup now will ensure that your property gets early attention and a head start on the growing season. Make sure your property stands out (in the good way) and call Outside Unlimited today and be ready as soon as the weather changes.


Spring Turf Care


Neglecting spring turf care could cause you headaches for the entire summer. By following the steps below you can ensure that your property will look its best for the en=re season.


Raking: Raking will be your first task of spring lawn care. You’re likely saying, “But we already raked leaves in the fall!” Sorry, but raking is for more than just removing leaves: it’s for controlling thatch, too. Raking also allows for turf inspection, identifying snow mold or any other signs of stress or disease, raking will help to eliminate many of these issues.


Fertilize: If you applied a fertilizer in the Fall, Outside Unlimited recommends a light fertilizer application in the spring. Applying to much fertilizer in the Spring can lead to unwanted weeds and crab grass.


Pre-Emergent: If you know that you have a problem with the annual weed, crabgrass, then fertiization in spring should go hand in hand with the application of preemergent herbicides. As their name suggests, preemergent herbicides address weed control, not aXer the fact, but before their seedlings can even emerge.


Prep Landscape Beds: Landscape beds should be cleaned out with all dead plant material removed. Spring pruning can also be completed, however, some plant varieties set summer blooms in the fall, pruning now will remove those buds.


Repair Damage: Landscape damage should be repaired early in the season. Turf damage, downed trees or limbs should all be repaired and cleaned up.


Snow Piles


Even with proper planning and snow pile locations being strategically placed, the largest piles can last until July. Leaving snow piles in place can not only be an eyesore and a distraction for customers, they can also hide unknown issues and can be a safety issue. Outside Unlimited can remove all snow from your site. Give us a call to discuss any and all Spring site maintenance.

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